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New Puppet Pals Project!  


The Need A local headteacher recently told us that the percentage of children who struggle with the English language because it is not their first language is increasing rapidly. So, as Schools Workers aiming to serve the local schools, we have been researching ways in which we can aid the schools in […]


Aylward Prayer Space  


We are very excited to be running a Prayer Space at Aylward School from 6th-8th March! We go into Aylward regularly for assemblies so it will be great to see the children in a different capacity!


Placement Student  


Re:gen are hosting a placement student from Moorlands Bible College for 5 weeks from 25th February to 31st March! We are very excited by this opportunity to help someone to gain knowledge and experience through working with us. Here is a message from Hannah for you all to get to know her; Hi! My name […]


Next Re:gen Prayer Meeting  


Please join us for our next Prayer Meeting! There will be updates on how things are going, prayer requests, and of course, some time to have fellowship together! Here is what you need to know; Where? St Michael’s and All Angels, 95 Bishop Ken Road, Harrow, HA3 7HP When? 11th February 2018 Time? 8-9:30pm Looking […]

Update on Christmas Roadshows  


The Christmas Roadshows were amazing this year! We performed 16 shows across 13 schools, and had some really encouraging feedback. One teacher said; Thank you so much for coming in and performing such an interactive explanation of Christmas. The children really enjoyed it and had a great understanding. Some children keep asking when another assembly […]


Re:gen Prayer Meeting  


We have our next Prayer Meeting on November 12th! Hopefully see you there. When? Monday 12th November, 8pm Where: NLSS, Glebe Hall, Loretto Gardens (off Shrewsbury Avenue), Kenton, HA3 9LZ

Prayer Space at Elmgrove!  


Having completed two very different prayer spaces this academic year already, we are really excited to be running another at Elmgrove! Unfortunately the school had to postpone the Prayer Space, but it will be a wonderful experience for the children to explore prayer and who God is to them! The Prayer Space will now run […]

Prayer Space at St Jeromes!  


St Jeromes CofE Bilingual Primary School asked us to run a Prayer Space for their whole school, which currently is reception to year 2! We had never run a Prayer Space for as young as reception, so were excited to adapt our resources for this! The Space ran from Wednesday 17th – Friday 19th October, […]

Re:gen Prayer Meeting  


The next Re:gen Prayer Meeting will be held at St Peter’s Harrow on Thursday 20th September at 8pm. Rosie and Beth will both be commissioned for their new year of schools work, and we will pray for the work of Re:generation. Please come along! Where: St Peter’s Harrow, Sumner Rd, West Harrow, HA1 4BX When: […]

Prayer Space at Belmont!  


We hosted a Prayer Space at Belmont Primary School from 2nd – 5th October 2018! They enjoyed last years so much that they asked to have another, and also asked us to run it for an extra day so that more of the children can do it! Here is a snippet of the great feedback […]