In November 2019 we spent a week in Belmont running a Prayer Space. We saw approximately 540 children during the week as they came and engaged with the Prayer Space. It was great to see the children learning to reflect. We saw children choosing to forgive and working through that hard process. Children let go of some of the worries they were carrying. They apologised for things they had done, which they shouldn’t have done. It was really special to see them forming good habits around some of the things we as adults struggle to do.
The teachers were blown away by the space. It was so awe inspiring. It invoked a sense of wonder and a number of people spoke about how different the atmosphere was in the Prayer Space.
Below are a few highlights that were shared with us during the week.
‘The highlight for me was the opportunity to go into the prayer space with my children and engage with them. Also speaking to them about the Fizzy Forgiveness and going through that step with them.’ – Year 5 Teacher
‘Doing the Fizzy Forgiveness was the most special experience for me. It was hard at first. It made it feel like all the negative things in my heart were melting away.’ – Year 4 Girl