This week, on Tuesday 28th September, Youthscape and Paismovement held a National Day of Prayer for schools.

There were lots of opportunities to pray for schools across the UK throughout the day. Re:gen joined a session on Tuesday evening run by Wayne Dixon of CCIS to pray for Scripture Union and the work of CCIS. Wayne also very kindly allowed some time to pray for Re:gen too, thank you Wayne! 


On Thursday the Re:gen team will meet (workers and trustees) for their weekly prayer meeting. This week we will be praying for schools across Harrow. For staff, for students, for parents, for school leaders, for Christian teachers and so much more. 


Prayer is a vital part of what we do and really appreciate all the churches and individuals who pray for us. This term we’d like to commit to regularly praying for our schools in Harrow. Those we know well, those we have lost contact with, those we have never had any contact with. Faith schools (CofE, Catholic, Christians and those of other faiths), Special Educational Needs schools, Primary schools, Secondary schools, Colleges, Public schools and Private schools. Let’s cover our local communities in prayer. 


Maybe you’d like to commit to praying weekly for your local school or a selection of schools from across Harrow.