Get to know the new school worker

  Hi everyone, my name is Suheli Michel. I have lived in Harrow since 2019 and have been appointed as the new school worker adoption leave role at Regen. I have 2 children and I am married to Marc Michel. I grew up in a British Muslim Bangladeshi household and became a Christian in 2010. For the past 11 years, I have worked in technology, marketing, and teaching children English as a second language.  

  I am thrilled to be part of such a wonderful team and excited to see all the good things God has planned for 2021/22. My first week at Regen has been incredible. I have enjoyed working with my line manager Becky. She has been super supportive in easing me into the role. We have so many wonderful things planned for the next few months and will be ending 2021 with a bang. Make sure you have signed up for the newsletter and following us on social media to stay up to date. Below is a quick question and answer blast to get to know me more.   Why


Regen had visited my church Roxeth in 2019 before the COVID pandemic introducing us to the amazing work they do in schools. As a parent myself I understood the need for Christian presence to be in schools. During the pandemic, the cry for Jesus was even more evident. I have felt a pull into wanting to be part of doing more for God’s people. I felt him calling me to participate more in our church community so naturally, when this opportunity came up, I felt compelled to go for it.  

Favourite bible passage? 

My favourite bible verse is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Even in my most challenging days, I hold onto this truth. He will never give me more than I can handle. So, I will continue to smile and feel the joy of the Lord.   

Favourite worship song? 

At the cross, I bow my knee. I love how the song has an element of reminding of the work of Jesus on the cross.  

Have a listen to it:     

Where is your home church?   

Roxeth community church. I serve in the youth team and the worship team. Come along and visit us if you are free one Sunday morning. 

What are you looking forward to in your new role?   

The happy faces of children getting the opportunity to learn about Christianity in a fun and creative way.