A reflection over the past year

What a year we have had at re:generation, the fun, the games, the chats, the eggs. We have seized opportunities as they arose to get back into schools following Covid. It has been such a joy and a pleasure to be seeing children regularly face to face in clubs, assemblies and RE lessons this year.  

For our Christmas Roadshows we told the Christmas story to about 6268 children across Harrow, following that at Easter we saw around 5,305 children across Harrow as we shared with them the story of Easter. 

We see about 50 children on a weekly basis. 20 of these we were helping to develop and strengthen their social skills, helping them have confidence, emotional literacy, and build team working skills. The other 30 attended our lunchtime and after school clubs where we explored how Jesus and other biblical principles are useful and helpful in our lives. 

It’s Your Move, our big end of school year workshop saw us equipping 1093 children for secondary school in September. We had so much fun again this year, we ran 32 workshops across 15 days in June and July. What an opportunity we have in using this Scripture Union resource to walk alongside young people in Harrow as they are nervous, excited and sad about their move to Secondary School.  


Having wrapped up this school year we look forward to the next with excitement and expectation, we are so excited for what September holds: 

  • We hope to be going into 6 schools weekly, running 8 clubs and doing some ongoing mentoring. 3 of these schools will be new next term.  
  • We hope to have Prayer Spaces in schools across Harrow again next year.  
  • We plan to increase our seasonal assemblies outside of just Christmas and Easter in order for us to provide regular assemblies to schools that are relevant and engaging throughout the year covering topics like Black History month, anti-bullying week, world book day etc.  

Please join us as we take brave steps into the future, expanding what we offer to schools to speak into the lives of children across Harrow.  

We need volunteers on the ground, finances in the bank and prayers in the sky!   

If you can commit to supporting us in one of these ways over the next year, we would really appreciate it.