Hi everyone

I’m back!!! What a year it has been. I’m looking forward to being back at regen following my year on Adoption Leave. I have spent this past year watching my little boy meet his milestones and growing from the little 2.75kg bundle we first met into the 11kg toddler he now is. It has been fun attending baby groups and making new mummy friends.

Saying all that, I’m so excited to be back, being back in schools is such a joy. I haven’t been consistently in schools since March 2020. I’m so looking forward to diving straight back into clubs especially Wednesday Afternoons at St John’s.

I’m also excited for a number of assemblies and RE lessons that we have coming up along with the summer term favourite of ‘It’s your Move’.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for your continued support; both prayerfully and financially over many years. We couldn’t do what we do without you. I believe God has some great things in store for the schools across Harrow and I’m looking forward to being a part of it. If you want to get involved, please email me – [email protected].


Schools worker