The Need

A local headteacher recently told us that the percentage of children who struggle with the English language because it is not their first language is increasing rapidly. So, as Schools Workers aiming to serve the local schools, we have been researching ways in which we can aid the schools in Harrow to help these children to develop their skills in the English language, in order to improve their chances at excelling academically, securing jobs and building lasting relationships.

The Research

Through researching ways in which to help these children, we found that the use of puppets can help to improve language skills in children by aiding the development of;

– oral comprehension skills

– the ability to internalise language patterns

– skills which help to facilitate language learning

– confidence

According to our research, children who are learning English as a second language often find it helpful to speak to or through a puppet who ‘only speaks English’, as it forces them to use English rather than their first language and helps them to develop their confidence in doing so. Their confidence can also be boosted by performing behind a puppet stage, as they cannot see the people watching so feel more at ease. As well as this, the children can write their own scripts to perform, which can help them to further develop their language skills.


Puppet show free icon The Dream

Therefore, we would like to raise £750 to invest in a puppet stage with curtains and 6 puppets (of a variety of sizes) in order to start clubs in some of the primary schools in Harrow specifically for children who need to improve their communication skills in the English language. The headteacher who we had the initial conversation with would love us to trial the project in her school. We know that in partnership with each other and with the school, we can create an environment in which the children can thrive in their learning.

The Question

So how can you help us?! Please visit our donation pages at;


We are very excited to be running a Prayer Space at Aylward School from 6th-8th March! We go into Aylward regularly for assemblies so it will be great to see the children in a different capacity!


Re:gen are hosting a placement student from Moorlands Bible College for 5 weeks from 25th February to 31st March! We are very excited by this opportunity to help someone to gain knowledge and experience through working with us. Here is a message from Hannah for you all to get to know her;

Hi! My name is Hannah Agus and I’m a third year student at Moorlands Theology College. As part of my year, I will be doing a 5 week block placement with Re:gen, as well as with two churches in the area; Wealdstone Baptist Church and St Peters. Throughout my time there, I hope to glorify God in all areas of planning and leading that I take part in. I hope to build strong relationships with children, young people and fellow colleagues whilst also growing in knowledge and skills in teaching, leading and delivering assemblies.

Please pray for these three things;

1. Accommodation, finance and any other logistical things that need to be sorted before I arrive

2. For wisdom and guidance from God as I mentally and spiritually prepare for living and serving in a totally different area whilst finishing four assignments this month

3. That my time serving at different schools and churches as part of the Re:gen team would be fruitful and that the Lord will use us all to spread the Gospel in an efficient and effective manner

Please pray for Hannah in her preparation for coming here, and for us as we strive to ensure that her placement is beneficial to her!


until Hannah’s first event with Re:gen!


Please join us for our next Prayer Meeting! There will be updates on how things are going, prayer requests, and of course, some time to have fellowship together! Here is what you need to know;

Where? St Michael’s and All Angels, 95 Bishop Ken Road, Harrow, HA3 7HP

When? 11th February 2018

Time? 8-9:30pm

Looking forward to seeing you there!

If you have Facebook, why not let us know that you are coming on our event page?!